Spedia is most popular sponsor at present, as Spedia can't be accused of being unfair or failing to meet its engagements.
Spedia gives you points for work, but not cents; depending on the amount of points they themselves get from their advertisers, they convert points into dollars at the beginning of the next month, on the 5th day. On the average you are paid from $0,47 to $0,6 for 60 points.
Monthly points cost: 2002-2003 year. ATTENTION!!! SPEDIA PAYS FOR: ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! The right ways of working with Spedia Bar: Now the banner works in the traffic lights regime: THAT IS ALL. GOOD LUCK!!!
October: 1 point - $0.007900 ($0.47/hour)
November: 1 point - $0.007900 ($0.47/hour)
December: 1 point - $0.007900 ($0.47/hour)
January: 1 point - $0.010000 ($0.60/hour)
1 cent per
1 minute!!!
February: 1 point - $0.008200 ($0.49/hour)
March: 1 point - $0.008200 ($0.49/hour)
If the sum you have earned exceeds $30, you can order a nominal cheque for this sum for youself. On the 5th on next month you will be suggested pressing the button to "get the money order". After you press it the sum will pass over to the payment regime. As soon as the cheque is sent to you by post - the status will change for "Paid". The cheque is sent on the 20-24th it takes about a months for it to be mailed (you will be drawn offs $4,5 indicated in registry form by first class USA mail).
2. Payment for letters of advertisement from 5 to 10 points per letter.
3. On-line games - card games and others, you may earn from 3 to 10 points per game (howewer if you are in luck you may earn a prize of 10000 points).
4. Registering at the sites recomended by Spedia. Points for subcribing are given in 1-3 weeks. For registering at its sponsor Spedia gives you points not at once, but in 2-3 weeks, provided all the registration rules are observed (some sponsors require pumping off anything for you else to get points).
5. Going over to the page of the sponsors you have registered at through Spedia (3 points per day for every transition). Having registered at the sponsors sites go at the Spedia site, press Log in/out there will be signature "Granted" opposite the sponsors you have seen given points in the column "Status". In the column "Fast points" a reference were appear. You will get 3 points per day for every transition to the sponsors sites according to it (to get your points you should insert your login and password according to the sponsor and to be on this site for not less than 1 minute to get points).
6. For clicks on the banners. Premier Member - the one who will earn not less than 125 points per day and clicks on the banners (25 clicks for 125 points, i.e. 1 click per 5 minutes) at least 20 days per month, and who will also get registered at 20 Spedia sponsors per month - will get the payment risen for 20-50% (about 90 cents per hour).If you click more often than 1 click per 5 minutes, your clicks it is possible for not to be reckoned in or Spedia Bar will just fall out and it will have to be started up again.
7. If you gain users (refferals) into this system you shall get some interest from their earnings, according to the 5 level system, whitch started working from June 1,2000. It doesn't mean, howewer, that the person gained over by you will be subtracted 25% of his earnings in your favour. You shall get an additional bonus from Spedia in the proportion of 25% of all the points earned by the above - user. You may gain over as many people as you wish. The more - the better.
Working with Spedia Bar for 2-3 hours a day you will be able to earn $0.5-1 per day. It is not much. But it is fair. But if you create a whole net of the gained over users, the sum, of course, will be bigger. You may gain users over by means of a special code you are provided with on registering placing it on your page (send a message to your friends by E-mail, using forumes, charts, guest books).
In a short time the company is planning to bring new potentials to life for additional earning. Soon you will be able to gain points:
- using Spedia searching system;
- taking part in various questionings and inquiries;
- taking part in various prize events;
- taking part in free totalizers.
Check up the correctness of filling all the fields carefully and press the button. If you did not make any mistakes while registering, after pressing the button there will appear the page where you will be congratulated at the occasion of successful registering.
In some minutes you will receive the letter with registration confirmation and your reference code. If anyone gets registered according to this reference, the registration will be automatically performed on your behalf, as your ID is indicated in the code.
As soon as you finish the registering process, you may load Spedia Bar and begin earning money. Create C:/Spedia catalogue and transfer Spedia.exe file there. Now you have to pump off one more file - SPISDLL.dll and to have it registered. For it you have to press the button "Start"-"Perform", print "REGSVR32 C:\Spedia\spisdll.dll" in the appeared field and press the button "Ok". Now start Spedia.exe file, installation is not required. In the open window insert the "Login" and "Password" you indicated when registering on the Spedia company site and press "Login" button (if you put a link opposite "Automatic login each time I start Spedia", you will not have to insert the password next time). Every 10-15 minutes click on the button with a dollar on it to check your account. If points are not given to you, and you do everything correctly, restart Spedia Bar. If you get connected with Internet through Proxy-Server remember to set the program for working for your Proxy-Server. For it press the button "Internet Connection" and perform the appropriate setting in the opened windows. If you are not a skilled user, I advise you to leave all the without-mentioning settings. Then in the bottom of the screen you will see the pannel with advertisements following one another. It is possible to carry this programme on you at a floppy disk and start on any PC.
you don't move the mouse or you are out of your Internet Browser window. The consequence is that the banner is not active, the advertisiments doesn't change, points are not given.
A yellow colour indicator:
you haven't passed on to the next URL during 0.3-1 minutes or you haven't clicked on the sponsors advertisiment. The consequence is that points are not given at all or given 2-3 times slower.
A green colour indicator:
you have carried everything correctly. If you carry on like this clicking on the sponsors advertisiments (not more seldom, but not more often than 1 click per 5 minutes) you have all the apportunities of gaining a point per minute (60 points per hour, i.e. $1 per 2 hours).